My Life:
This page has a list of novels and short stories, which are advanced perspective PSYCHology-based, and PSYCHoautobiographical.
* Melissa Kay Kinder's PSYCHoautobiographical Novel/Story
This story or novel combines many or all the novels or short stories below on this page into one novel.
* Asperger's & Austigic Autism in Early Life
(I'll add details later)
* Lost U.S. PSYCHology Student's Life
I was a PSYCHology student who had Asperger's and didn't understand how the PSYCHology degree and almost all of my curriculum was wrong (except certain classes that I really wanted to major in: sociology, anthropology, etc...) & I and other PSYCHology majors destroying our lives, becoming worse than before the school program. I start to need PSYCHiatry because of my new college life style choices but never get it. But I do like the courses 'Sensation & Perception' and 'Cognitive Neuroscience' and the sociology, antropology, and business classes the most. And I do become intrigued by a student who asks a PSYCHology professor about the PSYCHic realm aloud in class, questioning the studies they are told and their legitimacy. And I meet an Indian, African American heritage PSYCHology student (with a Russian business student friend), who I go to bars with to ruin my life and also hangs out with my twin sister, who is also a PSYCHology student. My twin sister gets pregnant and changes into the opposite of before. And I meets and dates a business student with a name similar to Adam the Farmer. Plus, I dates an astro nuclear physics student studying time travel at the end, who I later suspects of being a spy that told me that one day, "I would learn to dress really, really professionally well" and that I "was the smartest person" when I was not yet, but was one of the dumb. I later suspect in life that all the people were possibly spies manipulating my life. (This story happened in Clemson, S.C.)
* Lost U.S. PSYCHology Grad in the U.S.
I was a university PSYCHology graduate who didn't learn enough from my university studies and who developed a bad lifestyle from university. I got lost in both work and life in many ways, & I needed PSYCHiatry and a PSYCHological counseling naturally, but did not know anything about those yet. I went to a PSYCHic who told me that there were invisible black figures surrounding me in my apartment everywhere so that I would never, ever, ever succeeded in life no matter what, and I turned political in women's issues based on what I went through in life, hating my country and taking off to travel the world, with my mother falsely telling me that leaving the country is a mistake. But just before deciding to travel, my father calls asking "What are you doing?" And I say "I'm studying society and then getting back out again after. It's easier to understand society from the inside copying everybody." And her father says, "No, you are not! You are right in the middle of it as one of them, no different."(This story happened in many cities in South Carolina, including Rock Hill, S.C.)
* Lost U.S. PSYCHology Grad Ascending (Above the U.S.A.) While Abroad
I was an American PSYCHology degreed woman who lived, worked & studied abroad in multiple countries, gradually becoming like the better parts of each culture that I lived in (remembering a strange childhood meditation after converting into Muslim behavior), and becoming more and more smart in PSYCHology compared to her country, losing the lower life skills & behaviors I learned while being a PSYCHology student and prior, losing my need for PSYCHiatry that I had but didn't know, becoming PSYCHic, and becoming less and less the bad American I had become before going abroad, and becoming a natural PSYCHologist, better than the U.S. PSYCHologists. In the end, I become aware of PSYCHic harm, interaction, manipulation, & affects between people and PSYCHotronic technology. Plus, a traveling research PSYCHologist told me not to go back home, but I did. (This story happened in many countries, including in South Korea, Egypt, Thailand, Pakistan, China, Vietnam, ...)
* U.S. PSYCHologist PSYCHiatrically Poisoned
I was a degreed and natural PSYCHologist and up & coming politician severely poisoned by my government's poisonous, un-ascended, non-life skill divided PSYCHiatric system, through my evil family, to the point of death from a neurological disorder, for a disease I didn't even have (I was diagnosed with delusional schizophrenia for her saying she was in a real military invasion abroad & the lawyer only asking her in my fake court "What were you doing in that country?" and for whatever my family said about me that I never learned), and my attempt to seek political asylum to atheist countries that disrespect PSYCHiatry, don't force PSYCHiatric drugs on people, and don't even allow the drugs forced on me across their countries' borders (or if not to those countries, then to counties without sex problems). Years later, I suspected that my family did it to me on purpose for being the opposite of a patient in PSYCHiatry naturally in other to start a PSYCH revolution. Because when my family did it, I had finally become better than PSYCHiatry, studying international PSYCHology, and before then, I was worse always than PSYCHiatry and back then my family never harmed me. (This story happened in Easley, S.C., Central, S.C., Clemson, S.C., and Washington, D.C.)
* U.S. PSYCHology-based Political Asylee
I tried to escape the U.S. in political asylum but got stopped when arriving in Washington, D.C. to get a visa to China. Someone walked past me saying "If you get on a plane, you'll be killed immediately." And then I got neglected by the un-ascended government and people, sleeping at different embassies, PSYCHically harmed and attacked in the un-ascended non-for-profits with no life skill divisions, PSYCHotronically harmed by the government (including police PSYCHotronic helicopters that chase me for months), started to want war against the country (notices that all the African Americans are drawing soldiers in an unemployment art studio), ended up not able to speak, read, write, move properly, etc... until a Satanic group, possibly Black Sun, PSYCHotronically possessed me movements (to move around, dance and combat). I started to PSYCHotronically combat practice with the homeless and homeless spies. (This story happened in Easley, S.C., Greenville, S.C. and Washington, D.C.)
* PSYCHically & PSYCHotronically Attacked in Washington, D.C.: Part 1
(I'll add details later.)
* U.S. Homeless PSYCHology-based Natural President
I was dying from PSYCHiatric poisoning from the US government for a disease I did not have, PSYCHically harmed & attacked in the non-life skill divided and unascended non-for-profits, neglected by the un-ascended government and people, and PSYCHotronically attacked by the government. I got possessed to campaign for U.S. president and possessed to have all my art in an unemployment art studio turn into presidential. After being attacked by government helicopters for months and PSYCHically harmed by the non-for-profits, I began wearing a military outfit, and the helicopters didn't leave me alone until I slept on the statue of a foreign president who created his own constitution. I decided to campaign for president, met other homeless campaigning for president with the same reasoning as what made me homeless and what kept me homeless, met a military time-traveler studying a revolution, started creating a political party, called "Ascension." (I also got possessed to PSYCHotronic be a singer-dancer during this time.) (This story happened in Washington, D.C.)
* Ascending in Washington, DC
(I'll add details later.)
* U.S. Homeless PSYCHology-based Potential Future Empress
I talked to by a military time traveler studying a revolution. I was homeless, had lost the ability to speak, read, write, etc... well enough to survive, was dying from PSYCHiatric poison, was going through severe PSYCHic harm and attacks from non-for-profits with no life-skill divisions, was in severe neglect from the un-ascended government and people, was going through severe PSYCHotronic attacks, plus spies, a time traveler, and even Black Sun aliens from outer space conquering the nation and world, while creating 2 future empires (along with 2 new political parties, associated with the 2 empires), called "Life Skills Divide" & "Ascension" which I carried around with me in a bag while sleeping outside and editing them. The empires and political parties were created for the same reasons that made me homeless and kept me homeless. (I also got back her normal ability to speak, read, and write that I had lost.) And I remembered a weird childhood meditation, with my body projected into outer space, being told that I was not a human from this earth and to stay separate, and that my job was to study the planet and to report back later in outer space about the planet. I also remembered every conversation I ever had with each member of my family in my past in a way that made more sense, from a different perspective this time, based on what I was going through. (This story happened in Washington, D.C.)
* PSYCHically & PSYCHotronically Attacked in Washington, D.C.: Part 2
(I'll add details later.)
* U.S. PSYCH Revolutionary Forced to Family's Homes
I was walking up to the police for one night or more of protection from my house mate who was killing and severely harming me PSYCHically, causing me symptoms like eye blindness, leg paralysis, inability to breathe, etc... during COVID-19 quarantine in a dire situation and possibly for victim of crimes protection with a change of name and identity if I told about my life, not knowing what to say because I knew I was not allowed to talk about PSYCHic or PSYCHotronic issues. I ended up being falsely arrested into PSYCHiatry by the police and falsely called delusionally PSYCHotic for saying that I created and owned two new political parties, both against PSYCHiatry, and the PSYCHiatric workers wouldn't go online to check her rough drafts posted online. I moved back in with the family that harmed her through government PSYCHiatry, the first time, causing me to try to seek political asylum, then go homeless, then try to take over the nation with two new political parties (and empires) gradually. While with my family, I was too afraid to contact United Nations yet and traumatically tried to study them to determine if they harmed me on purpose before as Black Sun spies, while I recovered from PSYCHiatric poisoning and intense PSYCHic and PSYCHotronic attacks, going through even more PSYCHotronic attacks, and editing all the rough drafts of materials on and off-line for a political revolution, against PSYCHiatry and everything else wrong, but focusing more on PSYCHic issues. And I started focusing on the prefix "PSYCH" and studies PSYCH, including PSYCHiatry/abnormal PSYCHology, anti-PSYCHiatry, PSYCHotronic attacks and manipulations, targeted individuals (T.I.s), sci fi and fantasy entertainment, etc... (This story happened in rural Pennsylvania and in Easley, S.C. and Gaffney, S.C.)
* Focusing on PSYCHology & Getting to Know Gods
(I'll add details later.)
(This story happened in Easley, S.C.)
* U.S. PSYCH Revolutionary's PSYCHic, God-Level Battle Zone: Battle # 1
I tried to obtain a birth certificate from my birth state, Alabama, in order to possibly obtain political asylum, after getting a new passport next, and ended up PSYCHotronically attacked to the point of death, then saved by multiple outer space aliens in my motel room operating on me and also in the parks and sidewalks (the ones mentioned on a website for Black Sun Ascension Program), ended up below an aerospace battle with two of the groups that helped me involved and jets coming down, I tried to get involved for a short time then stopped. I shapeshifted into an outer space alien partially. I protested after a while. Then I asks for political asylum from the police, almost got killed by the police PSYCHotronically, and then ended up in a PSYCH ward for outer space alien invasion and spy issues where they made me not a PSYCHotronic soldier and rock star with a pill. And more... (This story happened in Birmingham, Alabama.)
* Focusing on PSYCHology & Getting to Know Gods
I decided to focus specifically on the prefix "PSYCH' with all her businesses and other projects, and in all her blogs
(I'll add details later.)
(This story happened in Gaffney, S.C.)
* U.S. PSYCH Revolutionary's PSYCHic, God-Level Battle Zone: Battle # 2
I experienced an outer space alien (reptilians) battle zone / invasion of my house and the neighbor's properties, which were mostly farms surrounding it. The battle zone appeared to be a huge world war 3, but I wasn't sure if it is that big, or if it is just my own area. Before this had happened, I had been dealing with invisible humanoid aliens and non-aliens inside my home interacting with and helping or harming me. I saw many jets going across the sky leaving jet streams like x's and more, spaceships above my property, multiple UFO sun-like orbs in the sky which were participating, the clouds talk to me showing me images, white spaceships leaving earth, a superhero with fire boots leaving my neighbor's yard, bombs in the sky, gun shots all around me, black smoke surrounding the property, and much more... Well into the battle zone, I started shapeshifting into the invisible humans on my property, including reptiles. She also started entering another dimension, which was more paranormal, with my god saying "Hold on Melissa. Hold on. Dust hold on." Towards the end of the military operation or battle zone when it appeared the world was fully being taken over as a computer being hacked PSYCHotronically, I time traveled through the help of a woman after fearing for my life, and ended up in hospitals, including two PSYCH Wards where people went through something similar--multiple people time traveled like me, saying that they just went through world war 3 with bombs and then time traveled. The novels provided there were about royalty in exile and getting to know god. I returned to the same location as the invasion and tried to study what happened. (This story happened in Gaffney, S.C. and Spartanburg, S.C.)
* Focusing on PSYCHology & Getting to Know Gods
(I'll add details later.)
* U.S. PSYCH Revolutionary's PSYCHic, God-Level Battle Zone: Battle # 3
I experienced a PSYCHIC/paranormal battle zone. (Part 1) I encountered outer space aliens and other paranormal invisible creatures (insectoids, reptilians, brown, black spirits, light beings, wind spirits, etc...) at my home who talk to me and explained what they are doing. They lived inside my body really tiny and talk to me or they live outside of my body invisible and talk to me. I started to make friends with them while they helped me. I typed about my life online. Then there were lots of jets flying over to fix the situation. (Part 2) Then there were UFOs that looked like suns. I got possessed by the sun UFOs, while trying not to die from them. Heaven's gate opened up and the entities that came out talk to me. Others landed on the ground and talked to me, while I blogged about it online. One group said they had black spaceships, another said they had a one-mile long spaceship. (Part 3) I left my house fleeing from the sun UFOs while talking to and bringing one of the sun UFOs with me. A man in a superman shirt stopped and gave me a ride out of the area. In a downtown area of a neighboring town, I talked to African Americans. I talked a man on a disability check. They were normal to me. (Part 4) I got possessed by a constellation of stars for me to combat connected to. I heard war dogs all over in the woods on one side of the road. I heard war sirens in the town. My gods got busy in a battle zone. Sirens were blaring in the town. One of my gods gives me the ability to shapeshift into different people and to show the outer space aliens on and around my body with entertainment technology. I moved between two different motels trying to stay alive. I developed the ability to feel the sky above and its bombs. The clouds talked to me and showed me different things. The churches talked to me trying to assist in my life. All the technology talked to me trying to learn the situation, but it was too complex to get non-militia technology to understand. (Part 5) I got hacked as a superhero by different groups, including one that made me bionic in my organs which was too scary and tried to fix my body. I studying the gates of heaven and what was happening. I tried to use non-for-profits during this, but they made mistakes. (Part 6) When it was all over, the police walked up, saying "We hear you are mentally ill and are a missing person." I didn't tells them my story and only say that I was going through PSYCHological operations, and they arrested me into forced psychiatry, where they made me not a superhero and got me possessed PSYCHotronically by PSYCHiatry, who are lesser gods, but possibly able to protect her torso from being connected to the sky.(This novel happened in Gaffney, S.C., Union, S.C. and Greer, S.C.)
* ---
* Ascended Empire
This story is about me being a future empress and my empire of many utopian charter cities (separate cities and cities within cities) and businesses that I created and control inside the U.S.A. and my quest to gain support outside of my charter cities through elections into the U.S. government and more. Plus, its expansion it to other countries. This is also about its ascended citizens going back and forth between the empire and the regular U.S.A. and recruiting people to their cities and businesses for tours and to live and work there.
* Life Skills Divided Empire
This story is about me being a future empress and my empire of life skill divided charter cities and businesses inside the U.S.A. where everyone and all the products and services in businesses are life skill divided. Plus, its expansion to other countries. This also includes its associated political party involvement in politics and in recruitment of new people to its cities and businesses.