My Knowledge:
This page has a long list of my knowledge, with some having educational books or documents urls next to them. Much of my knowledge is U.S.A., presidential-level and United Nations-level, and advanced PSYCHology-based, with the goal of removing much of Austigers Autism and massive PSYCHological (and other) human rights violations from society. The important knowledge I have is all from my own independent studies and is more advanced than both what universities are currently teaching and what current PSYCHologists, PSYCHiatrists, social scientists, businesspeople, city/urban planners, politicians, and more... are saying and knowing. And the knowledge I have is also intended to improve/ascend the currently Austigic Autistic fields of PSYCHology, PSYCHiatry, social sciences, business, city/urban planning, politics, and more... I am currently trying to gradually write some but not all of the knowledge out in book or article form.
All Aspects of the Government:
* Government Skills / Ascended Governments / Ascended vs Un-ascended Governments
* Our Current Government is an Illegitimate Authority! / Current Governments' Illegitimate Authority!
* How to Critique a Government
* Problems of Washington, D.C.'s Local Government!
Departments of the Government:
* PSYCHiatric Hospital Malpractice / Some Problems of the Current PSYCHiatric Hospitals! (
* PSYCHiatric Malpractice / Some Problems of the Current Field of PSYCHiatry! (
* Department of Behavioral Health has the Wrong Behavior
* Problems with Department of Mental Health / Department of Mental Health Malpractice
* Problems with the Homeless System / Homeless System Malpractice
* There's No Class Divisions in the Homeless System!
* How to Fund Homeless Assistance
* Problems with Health & Human Services
* Problems with Social Services
* Problems with the Food Stamp Office
* Problems with Social Security Services / SSA
* Problems with Government Healthcare
* Problems with Medicaid & Medicare
* Need a U.S. Federal Department of Health
* Need to Remove Healthcare from DHHS
* Dividing the Food & Drug Administration
* Problems with Disability Stipends
* Combining & Separating Government Stipend Departments
* Disability Pay for Side Effects of PSYCHiatric Drugs
* Disability Pay for Side Effects of Anti-PSYCHotics
* Speedier Diagnosis & Application Processing for Disabilities Pay
* Problems with the Police / Police Malpractice
* Problems with the Courts / Court System Malpractice
* Problems with the Prisons & Jails / Prison & Jail Malpractice
* Problems with the Legal System / Legal System Malpractice
* Problems with Unemployment System / Unemployment System Malpractice
* How to Fund Unemployment Assistance for All
* Dept. of (Un)Employment: Make it For-Profit!
* Who Does & Does Not Qualify for Unemployment Stipends
* Problems with Government Stipends / Government Stipend Malpractice
* Problems with Government Programs
* Fixing Government Stipend Offices
* Combining Government Stipend Offices
* Problems with Government Grade Schools / Government Grade School Malpractice
* Problems with the Department of Education
* Problems with Immigration & Asylum
* Problems with the Government Recreation Centers
* The Absence of Government Transportation
* Problems with Citizens' I.D.s
* Problems with Government Fitness
* Problems with Government Fitness Centers
* Problems with Government Recreation Centers
* No Government Department of Fashion?
* Defund the Following Government Departments, So... / Defunding Unnecessary Government Departments
Politicians & Elections:
* Who's a Natural Politician? / Natural vs. Unnatural Politicians (
* How to Fix Your Elections Campaign / Ascended vs Un-ascended Elections Campaigns (
* How to Know if a Person Should be Elected
* How to Assess a Political Candidate
* What's Wrong with Elections & Democracy
* The Problems with Elections
* What's Wrong with the Elected
* Wrong People Elected
* U.S. Presidents Examined
* No Separation for Religion in Elections (People are Voting in Churches) / Locations for Voting!
* The False Politicians
Political Parties:
* The Problems with Democrats
* The Problems with Republicans
* Problems with the Current Political Parties
* Democrats vs Republicans
* Life Skill Divide vs. Ascension Political Parties
* How to Assess a Political Party
* Understanding Political Parties: From Liberal to Authoritarian
* How to Create a Political Party
* Why we Need to Divide by our Political Parties
* Political Parties & their Legal Systems: Liberal to Authoritarian
* Stop Arrests for Victimless Crimes / Decriminalize Victimless 'Crimes'
* Combine Civil Law with Criminal
* Speeding up the Courts / Creating Speedier Courts
* Crimes Needing Legalization in the USA
* Legalizing 'Open Container'
* Decriminalize Prostitution, Because...
* Sex Law Changes Needed
* Legal Changes Needed in Housing
* Legalizing Tent Houses on Own Property
* Changing Homeless Tent Laws
* Criminalizing U.S. Women's Fashion (as Harassment)
* Legalizing Child Labor, Because...
* Criminalizing Obesity ? / Obesity Laws are Needed
* Criminalizing Lack of Exercise / Exercise Laws are Needed
* Criminalize all Parental Spanking
* New Restaurant Laws Needed
* New Gym Membership Laws Needed
* New Laws Against PSYCHotronic Attacks are Needed / Criminalizing PSYCHotronic Weapons
* Changing U.S.A. Protest Laws, Especially in D.C.
* Courts Need to Recognize PSYCHotronic Attacks
* Criminalizing Forced Healthcare
* Criminalize & Enforce Laws Against Reverse Racial Discrimination
* Creating Laws Against Bad Life Counseling
* Courts Need to Recognize PSYCHics & PSYCHic Attacks
* Changing/Increasing the Statute of Limitations for Civil Law Suits
* Increasing the Statue of Limitations for Psychiatric Civil Lawsuits
* The International Crimes of the U.S. Government
* International Crimes of Most Governments
* Changing the Government to Follow International Human Rights Laws
* Still No Separation from Religion
* Uniforms Needed for Government Workers
* Problems with Government Workers' Fashion
* How to Create a Government
* The Government thinks there is no Class!
* Current Governments are Worse than Capitalism
* The Lowest Class is Controlling the Government
* Life Skill Divided Governments
* The Government has Austigers Autism!
* No Fingerprinting Everywhere?!
* Future Political Campaigns Needed
* Government vs Non-for-Profit Businesses / Superiority & Inferiority of Non-for-Profits to the Government
* Government vs For-Profit Businesses / Government's Inferiority & Superiority to For-Profit Businesses
* Who's in the Government?: The Workers & the Clients
* Where's the Government?
* Why Not to Respect Your Government!
* The Illegal (& Illogical) Government Statues
* The Illegal (& Illogical) Government Statues of Washington, D.C.
* Replacing Current Government Statues with...
* Remove Social Security for the Healthy Seniors
* Increasing Government Vehicles, so Not Just the Police
* Improving the Logos of the Government Departments / The Logos of the US Government & What they Should be Instead
* Increasing & Decreasing Taxes Based on Life Skills
* Psychiatric Government Stipends: When they Should & Should not be Given
* Stop PSYCHiatric SSDI for Employable People
* Remove People from PSYCH Stipends if.... / Removing People from PSYCH Stipends / Stop PSYCH Stipends for People that...
* City Skills / Ascended Cities
* What's Wrong with Our Cities?
* What a Natural Mayor thinks About
* City Structures that Work
* Heaven, Earth & Hell/Class Divisions inside Cities
* How to Organize a Main Street
* Organizing a City's Businesses
* Life Skill Divided Cities
* Ascended Life Skills Cities
* Changing the Art in City Plazas & Parks
* Businesses Every Shopping District & Center Needed
(See Cities Section Below in Society Related Section for more titles)
* Business Skills / Ascended Businesses / Ascended Business Skills / Ascended vs Non-ascended Businesses (
* Management Skills
* Who's the Natural Manager?
* How to Hire the Right Match
* The Three/Five Classes of Businesses
* Uni-Gender Uniforms Needed
* Communist-Like Businesses' Quality
* Life Skill Divided Businesses
* Business Art Mistakes
* Making your Business's Art Business Related
* The New Businesses Needed
* Creating Businesses that Minimize Sexual Problems
* Creating Islamic Businesses
* Business Advice to PSYCHiatric Wards & Hospitals
* Business Advice to Life Counseling Centers
* Business Advice to Homeless Centers & Shelters
* Business Advice to Non-for-Profit Social Service Centers
* Business Advice to Gyms
* Business Advice to Healthcare Centers
* Business Advice to Law Firms
* Business Advice to Businesses that Reverse Racially Discriminate
* Business Advice to State & Local School Boards
* Advice to PSYCHology Degree Administrators & Accreditors
* Advice to Recreational Therapy Degree Administrators & Accreditors
* Advice to Healthcare School Degree Administrators & Accreditors
* Advice to Literature Departments of Schools
* Business Advice to Public & Private Grade Schools
* Business Advice to Colleges & Universities
* Business Advice for Women's Clothing Stores
* Business Advice to Homeless Unemployment Centers
* Business Advice to Churches & their Administrators to Improve their Church
* Business Advice to Political Parties
* Business advice to Elections Companies & Other Political Campaign Businesses
* Business Advice to Newspapers
* Business Advice to News Stations
Life Skills & Socioeconomic Class:
* Life Skills: Divided into 3 Classes
* Upper Life Skills
* Ascended People (
* How to Increase your Socioeconomic Class
* Personal Improvements that Most People Need
* Becoming Equal to the People are Around you & then Better / Competing with the People Around you
* Becoming More than What Your Parents Raised you to Be
* Improving Beyond What Your School Taught You
* Raising your Life Skills to be Equal to Men's (A Book for Women)
* Natural Employment: How to Know your Natural Employment ( ( (
* Practical Art Therapy Lessons to Assess Natural Employment (
* How to Ascend in Society (Employment & more...)
* How to Ascend in Employment
* Understanding the Class Your Children are Being Raised to Be
* How to Raise Your Children to be Upper Class
* How to Know if You are Upper, Middle or Lower in Class
* How to Ascend to Upper in Class
* 3-5 Classes of Employment
* Upper Class Careers
* Figures of Speech & Employment
* Working in For-Profits, Non-for-Profits vs. Governments
* Matching your Art to your Employment
* Matching your Conversation Topics to your Employment
* Matching your Recreation to your Employment
* How to Know if you Have the Wrong Job or Career
* Characteristics of your Natural Clients at Work
* Employment Advice to Life Therapists & Counselors
* Advice to PSYCHiatric Workers
* Advice to PSYCHiatrists
* Advice to Life Counselors & Clinical PSYCHologists
* Advice to Pastors & other Church Leaders
* Advice to Employment Coaches
* Advice to Social & Human Service Workers
* Advice to Homeless Shelter Workers
* Advice to Police Officers
* Advice to Fitness Instructors
* Advice to College & University Admissions Workers
* Advice to Hiring Mangers
* Advice to Politicians
* Advice to Event Planners
* Advice to Psychiatric Court Judges & Lawyers
* Advice to Judges
* Advice to Retail & Customer Service Workers
* Improving Customer Service Skills
* Don'ts in Customer Service
* Advice to Healthcare Workers
* Advice to Psychology Department Administrators
* Advice to Literature Department Administrators
* Advice to Literature Teachers
* Advice to Art Therapists
* Advice to Recreational Therapists
* Advice to Newspaper Journalists
* Advice to New Anchors
Conversation/Communication & Social Interaction:
* How to Properly 'Small Talk'
* Conversations to Assess People's Socioeconomic Class
* Conversation Don'ts
* Learn the Most Logical Languages Only
* Don't Say: "How are you?" or "Have a Nice Day!"
* Improving your Social Interactions
* How to not Sound "Austigic Autistic"
* How to Improve your Conversation Ability
* Increasing your Topics for Conversation
Matching Yourself to Others & Befriending:
* How to Find People who "Match' You / Finding a Friend (Your Natural Friends & Co-Workers)
* How to Find the Correct Friends
* Analyzing Types of People (political parties, employment, natural employment)
* What the Most Normal People are Like
* Making Friends in Grade School
* Befriending People with Your Own Natural Career
* Befriending your Own Political Party
* Befriending your Own Socioeconomic Class
* How to Know Your Natural School Major
* Upper Class Education
* 3 Classes of Education
* Are you Naturally Going to College or University? / How to Know if you are Naturally Going to College or University?
* How to Know if you are in the Wrong College or University Major
Sexual Procreation:
* Upper Life Skilled Sexual Procreation
* How to Find the Correct Procreation Partner / Finding a Dating Partner
* Preventing Rape
* The Five Classes of Sexual Procreation
* The Different Classes/Types of Dating
* How to Act Non-Adulterous
* How to Date
* How to Date in Islam
* How to Male-Female Separate
* Don't Solicit Romance from People in Public
* Dating your Own Political Party
* Dating your Own Socioeconomic Class
* Relationships Only to Make a Child
Life Assistance of Others:
* How to Life Assist People! (
* Life Assistance Skills & Your Natural Employment
* 3-5 Classes of Life Assistance / 3-5 Classes of Volunteering
* Work-Related Life Assistance of Others / Work-Related Volunteering
* How to Market Yourself
* How to Plan Events
* The Classes of Events
Interior & Exterior Design:
* How to Interior & Exterior Design
* Classes of Interior Design
* Your Recreation & Your Natural Employment
* The Different Classes of Recreation (
* Recreational Activities in Every Field
* Matching your Recreation to your Career
* Stop Doing these Recreational Activities, Unless...
* Political Recreational Activities
* Business-Related Recreational Activities
* People-Based Recreational Activities
* Manual Labor Based Recreational Activities
* Middle Class Related Recreational Activities
* Sub-Normal Recreational Activities
* "Beneath Any Careers" Recreational Activities
* Adult Recreational Activities that Resemble Pre-School
* Upper Life Skilled Fashion / Practical Fashion
* The Three Classes of Women's Fashion (
* Women's Fashion Don'ts (
* Men's Fashion Don'ts
* How to Dress Non-Sexual
* Stop Shaving, Men & Women!
* Women, Learn to Dress Equal to Men!
* Clothing to Wear when Not Soliciting Sex
* More Appropriate Swimsuits to Wear / Choosing More Appropriate Swimsuits to Wear
* Better Clothing to Wear in Winter
Business & Business Development:
* Starting Your Own Business: Lesson Plans
* Business-Related Art Therapy Lessons
* Using For-Profits, Non-for-Profits, or the Governments
* Matching the Art in Your Business
Government / Politics:
* How to Know your Own Political Party
* Are you a Politician?
* How to Assess Another Person's Political Campaign
* Don't Listen to Political 'Repeaters'
* Who to (& Not to) Vote for
* What to Do for Work Before Getting Elected
* Ways to Reform your Government / Advice on Ways or Methods to Reform Government
* Advice to People Trying to Get Elected
* The Order You are Supposed to Ascend in Elections
* How to Ascend After Being your Country's President
* How to Create a New Political Party
* How to Start a Political 'Movement'
* Following the United Nations
* Politics & the Conspiracy Theories
* Areas of a City for your Socioeconomic Class & Personality
* Towns & Cities for your Personality
* How to be Conservative
* The Three / Different Classes of Fitness (
* Practical Fitness
* Impractical Fitness / The Worst Exercises
* The 3 / Different Classes of Dance (
* Natural Movements Exercising
* The 5 Classes of Tourism
* Work-Related Tourism
International Travel, Immigration & Political Asylum:
* Choosing a Country to Immigrate to
* Traveling the World Can...
* Converting into Other Cultures Can...
* Living Abroad in Foreign Cultures Can...
* Seek Political Asylum When....
* A Better Country for your Personality
* A Better Country for Your Morality
* Avoid Healthcare Centers With...
* Avoid Healthcare Workers Who...
* 3 Classes of Healthcare-Related Life Skills
Arts & Entertainment:
* 5 Classes of Arts & Entertainment
* The 3-5 Classes of Law
* Giving the Right Gifts
* 5 Classes of Gifts
* 3 Classes of Self-Defense
Illegal Drugs:
* 3 (or 5) Classes of Drug Use
Food & Drinks:
* Foods that Make You Poor
* The Different Classes of Nutrition
PSYCHic Abilities & Phenomenon:
* 3-5 Classes of Meditation
* How People are PSYCHic
* How People Can PSYCHically Harm You
* How to Protect Yourself from PSYCHic Harm
* How to Heal Yourself PSYCHically (doesn't require you to be psychic)
* Learning about the Paranormal
(See Section 'SOCIETY-RELATED's 'PSYCHic Issues' Section)
PSYCHology & PSYCHiatry:
* Removing Depression, Stress & Other Negative Emotions (With & Without Money)
(See Section 'SOCIETY-RELATED's 'PSYCHology & PSYCHiatry' Section)
Social Intelligence:
* How to Loose Your "Austigers Autism" / How to Gain Social Intelligence
* How to Know if Someone Has Austigers Autism
* Thinking Outside of your Own Culture & How
* How to Pretend to be Religious
* Thinking Outside of your Religion
(See Section 'SOCIETY-RELATED'S 'Religion' Section)
* How to Better Celebrate Holidays / Smarter Ways to Celebrate the Holidays
Child Rearing / Parenting:
* How to Raise Ascended Children
* Activities to Ascend your Child
* Ascended After-School Activities
* Knowing your Child's Natural Career
* Raising your Children to be Middle Class
* Parenting that Causes Poverty
* Controlling your Child's Job
* 3-5 Classes of Parenting
* Raising your Daughter to have Equal Life Skills to Boys
Arts & Entertainment:
* How Art Tells the Truth
* Colors & Socioeconomic Class
* The 40% PSYCHics & their Art / PSYCHic vs. Non-PSYCHic People's Art
* Austigic Austistic People's Art
* Austigic Autistic People's Literature
* Austigic Autistic Peoples 'Figures of Speech'
* Art Shows Who has Autism
* Art of the City of Washington D.C.
* The Artistic Street Names of Washington, D.C. & their Significance (or the Story they Tell)
* Art Therapy to Assess Social Intelligence
* Art Therapy to Assess Natural Career
* Art Therapy to Assess Criminal Mentality
* Art Therapy to Assess Morality
* Art Therapy to Assess Political Party
* Art Therapy to Assess Social Problems
* Art Therapy to Assess Sexual Problems
* Adding PSYCHiatric Warnings to Entertainment
* Adding Prison Warnings to Entertainment
* The Problems of Newspapers & News Stations
* 3 Classes of News
* Upper Class News
* Understanding the Classes of Employment
* The Three/Five Social Classes & Their Characteristics
* Communication Arts & Natural Employment
* Children Can Work! / Children Should Work!
* Children have Natural Careers!
* Your Volunteer Life is Your Real Life
* The Rich are Naturally Rich
* Art Shows People's Natural Employment
* Why's No One Acting Middle or Upper Class?
* Figures of Speech & Natural Employment
* What's Around People: Displays of their Natural Employment
* Too Many People have the Wrong Employment!
* The People with the Wrong Employment: Their Characteristics & Why
* The Wrong People Working with People / The People who Shouldn't Work with People, but Do!
* Assessing Whether Someone Should Work with People or Not
* Assessing Whether a Person Naturally Works Where they Do
* The People Falsely Ascended in Employment (& Why)
* The Harm of Having the Wrong Employment
* Degreed vs Naturally Employed in the Field
* What to Do with the Degreed People not Naturally Working in their Degree Field
* Common Signs that People are Working in the Wrong Field
* Upper Class Fields of Employment vs Rich
* Upper Class is About what People Sell, not About the Money they Make
* Upper, Middle & Lower in Class is about what you Sell (not about How Much Money People Make)
* Characteristics of Natural Manual Laborers
* Characteristics of Natural Retail & Customer Service Workers
* Characteristics of Natural Business Administrators
* Characteristics of Natural Human & Social Service Workers
* Characteristics of Unnatural Huan & Social Service Workers
* Characteristics of Natural Police
* Characteristics of Unnatural Police
* Characteristics of Natural Psychiatric Workers
* Characteristics of Unnatural Psychiatric Workers
* Characteristics of Natural JUST Food Workers
* Characteristics of People Naturally Working with People
* Characteristics of People Not Naturally Working with People
* When Staff Don't Match their Clients & Why
* What's Wrong with the Jewish Religion?
* How to Sound Like God / What Does God Sound Like?
* How to Sound like a Prophet / What Does a Prophet Sound Like?
* Eve's in Politics, Adam's in a Park
* War for Sin in the Jewish Bible
* The Jewish Prophets: Quit Sinning or War
* The Original Jews in the Bible, Explained
* Moses was a King
* The Jewish Laws aren't Sufficient!
* The Characteristics of the Jewish God
* Organizing the Jewish Laws
* Republicans vs. the Jewish
* Understanding the Old Testament Politically
* The Paranormal in the Old Testament
* God Said to the Prophets...
* God Said about War...
* God Said about Countries...
* Jewish Prophets: Psychic Attackers
* Diseases & War for Immorality
* The Prophet that Gave Diseases
* The Punishments of the Jewish God
* Jewish Temples vs Witchcraft
* A Witch vs a Prophet
* Ways the Jewish God is Cruel / Ways the Jewish God is Evil
* What's Wrong with Christianity?
* What's Wrong with Jesus?
* The USA is Christian!
* The Class of Jesus!
* How to Sound like Jesus / What Does Jesus Sound Like?
* How to be a GOOD Church Pastor
* The Fashion of the People in the Bible
* Jesus Keeps Returning & Dying at 33
* Be & Do More than Jesus!
* Societies Stuck at "Jesus-Level" of Understanding
* Jesus's Life Assistance Skills
* How Jesus Helped the Homeless
* The Disciples were Arrested for Treason (Not Jesus)
* Jesus Was Arrested & Killed for Public Disturbance
* The Christian Prophet: Help the Homeless/Poor
* Who Were the Disciples & What Did they Do? (John, Paul, etc...)
* Jesus was a Pastor, Not a King
* Jesus's Natural Career
* Jesus Left the Homeless, Homeless
* Jesus was a Homeless Man
* Did John Follow Jesus? (He Helped Everyone & Not Just the Poor)
* The Classes of Churches (lower, middle and upper class churches)
* Christian Heaven: Monks & Nuns
* Christians, the Farmers
* The Churches in D.C.
* Nanobot Communion, Baptism & Holy Water?
* Christianity's Insufficient Laws!
* Fashion & the Christian Religion!
* Sex & the Christian Religion!
* Organizing Christian Laws
* Republicans vs. Christians
* Democrats vs. Christians
* Most Christians are too Far Left!
* Biblical Times Weren't Just Farming Times!
* Christians' (Common) Misconceptions about Christianity
* Christian Societies are Stuck at Food & Healthcare
* Understanding the New Testament Politically
* Churches vs Governments
* The Paranormal in the New Testament
* Nanobot Holy Water with Baptism?
* Nanobot Communion?
* Cannibalistic Communion
* If You Acted Like Jesus, You Would....
* Jesus & Free Healthcare
* The Kingdom Won't Come
* If Jesus Had a Kingdom...
* The Incurable Diseases, Cured / Curing Incurable Diseases
* The Diseases Jesus & his Disciples Cured
* Christian Healthcare vs. 'Modern' Healthcare
* Christianity vs Witchcraft
* Jesus, the Opposite of the Jewish God
* Jesus Followed a Different God / Jesus Did Not Follow the Jewish God
Jesus Talked to Satan & not God? / Was Jesus Possessed by Satan & not God?
* Jesus was a Fisherman &...
* Judeo-Christian Societies: Stuck at Food
* How We are All Bible Characters
* The Bible Characters in Homelessness (the actual modern day homeless: homeless people pretend to be Jesus, John the Baptist, the devil in the garden, the fishermen disciples, etc...)
* How to Be Jewish & Christian Combined
* Understanding the Bible Politically
* Paranormal Phenomenon in the Bible
* Judeo-Christianity: The Psychic Giving & Taking Away of Diseases
* Why Religion is Still Allowed
* Churches & the Psychic Realm / What are the Churches Doing Psychically?
* God vs Lucifer, Satan, & the Devil
* Islam is Like the Jewish Heaven
* What did Mohammad do?
* Why the West Hates Islam
* Why Islam hates the West
* How to Improve Islam
* The Islamic God is the Jewish God
* Benefits of Living in Islam
* Islam Poor are Moral!
* What did Buddha do?
* Satanism Explained: Devil, Lucifer, & Satan Combined
* How Our Humans are Possessed in the Religion
* How to Help the Humans in the Religion (PSYCHic Issues)
* How to Know if a Person is a Human, Angel, or a Demon in the Religion
* Capitalism & Religion (Capitalism is Heaven, Earth & Hell Divided)
* How to Know if You are Heaven, Earth or Hell
* How to Know if a Business is Heaven, Earth of Hell
* How to Know if Your City Area is Heaven, Earth or Hell
* How to Know if a Government is Heaven, Earth or Hell
* Satan, the Devil & Lucifer, Explained
* Religion & Homelessness (about Jesus, Buddha & Buddhists, Islamic law, etc...)
* Baptism & Shahada: What is Happening PSYCHically?
* Nanobot & God-Technology in Religion?
* How "God" (PSYCHically) Manipulates, Helps & Talks to You/How Gods PSYCHically Influence People (
Healthcare, Sex & War
* Far Right Go to Heaven, Far Left Go to Hell
* Religion vs. Government
* Benefits of Religion
* The Supernatural Phenomenon in all Religions
* Prophets vs. Witches, Magicians, etc...
* Priests, Pastors, etc... vs. Witches, Magicians, etc...
* Fashion & Religion
* Pork & Religion
* Religion Can Reform Psychiatry
* The Hell in D.C.
* Satanism in Homelessness
* Elections Raise Hell
* The Heaven in DC.
* Non-for-Profits Bring Hell
* The Blacks Brought Hell to D.C.
* The Current Government is Hell, not Heaven
* How the Churches Help & Harm Psychically
* How the Churches Affect People Psychically
* Jewish, Christian, Islamic & Buddhist Laws, Compared
* Democrats are Christian, Republicans are Jewish
* Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha Compared
* Judeo-Christian vs. Christian Religion
* Jewish vs. Muslim
* Moses vs Mohammad
* Islamic Cities are Cities of Jewish Heaven
PSYCHic Issues:
* How Our Bodies are Connected
* Healthcare & PSYCHic Issues
* The Truth about PSYCHic Issues
* How People are Possessed / The Possessed Human Problem
* Atheist Revolutions: How the PSYCHics Can Help
* Animals are Not the Only Ones PSYCHic
* PSYCHic Energy 'Lines' Between People
* How People PSYCHically Harm Others & Heal Themselves
* How People Heal Themselves PSYCHically, Using Other People's Bodies
* Ways People PSYCHically Protect their Bodies'
* PSYCHic & Paranormal Phenomenon: Taboo?!
* The Removal of PSYCHics / They're Drugging the PSYCHics!
* We are not Allowed to be PSYCHic!
* PSYCHiatry Kills PSYCHic!
* (People) Pretending not to be PSYCHic / How to Pretend to Not be PSYCHic
* D.C. PSYCHic Matrix
* The Paranormal & Supernatural in Washington, D.C.
* PSYCHic Punishments
* Technology Possessed
* U.S.A.'s Policing of the PSYCHic Realm
* PSYCHic Manipulation vs God
* Who's Possessing & Manipulating Us?
* PSYCHic Abilities of the Rich, Middle, & Lower Class
* God vs PSYCHotronics: Comparisons of What Church Goers and T.I.s Say
* Why Americans Don't Perceive the PSYCHic Realm
* New PSYCHic Statistics Needed
* Non-PSYCHic People have a form of Autism (Austigers)
* Loss of Speech & PSYCHic Development
* PSYCHic Silencing of the New PSYCHics
* PSYCHic Murder of the New PSYCHics
* PSYCHic Murder is Happening
* PSYCHic Disease-Giving are Happening
* PSYCHic Healing is Happening
* Mother Nature & the PSYCHic Realm / The (Quantum) Supercomputer of Earth
* The Invisible Humanoids / The Invisible Animal-Human Hybrids
* The Invisible Humanoids & Our Health
* The PSYCHic Sky: Sun, Clouds, Air, Stars, Etc...
* The Invisible Entities that PSYCHically Interact with Humans
* The Invisible Space Ships Above Earth
* When Multiple Suns Show Up in the Sky
* When the Sky PSYCHically Helps You
* PSYCHic Electricity
* Your PSYCHic Home / The PSYCHic Technology in Your Home
* Hive Mind Technology
* Jet Streams, Helicopters, Etc... Conspiracy Explained
* Galactic Problem
* Earth & the Out Space Aliens
* Earth & (PSYCHic) World War 3
* PSYCHic / Cold War / Cold War = PSYCHic War
* The PSYCHic Moon
* M. Kinder's Personal Experiences with Black Sun
* PSYCHotronic Humans / PSYCHotronic Superheros & Militia
Healthcare in General:
* Problems with Healthcare
* Diseases Your Doctor Doesn't Know are From Others
* Our Bodies Equalize
* Quality of Healthcare Based on Price
* Using Live Wildlife to Cure
* Life Skill Divided Healthcare Needed (ERs, Non-for-Profit clinics, Psych Wards)
* Problems of Healthcare Workers
* Problems of Healthcare Facilities
* How Our Bodies are Shared Psychically
* People Can't Feel their Own Bodies
* Political Parties & Healthcare Beliefs
* The Incurable Diseases
* (Incurable) PSYCHically Caused Diseases (blindness, paralysis, etc...) / Incurable Diseases, PSYCHically Caused / Incurable Diseases & the PSYCHic Realm
* Placing Security Cameras in Medical Centers & on their Staff
* Dividing Out Healthcare with & without Biomarkers
* New Fields of Healthcare Needed
* New Field of Healthcare: Side Effects of Pharmaceutical Drugs
New Field of Healthcare: PSYCHic Harm
* Labeling for when Healthcare Doesn't Require Biomarkers for 'Treatment'
* The Diseases Being Diagnosed with No Biomarkers
* The False Removal of Patients Clothing
* Decreasing the Cost of Doctors
* Hospitals for Severe Non-Death Conditions Needed too
* Body Language to Minimize the Spinal Spasms (Dystonias) of Extra-Pyramidal Symptoms: From the Author's Experiences
* Tricks to Minimizing Paralysis from Extra-Pyramidal Symptoms (Akinesia): From the Author's Experiences
* Cost Equals Quality in Healthcare (Hospitals)
* E.R.s are Misdiagnosing Neurological Disorders / E.R.s Don't Understand & are Not Equipped for Neurological Disorders Needed
* New Healthcare Statistics Needed
* New PSYCHic Research Projects Needed
* Creating Better Hospitals
Laws / Law Suits / Legal Systems:
* Understanding Legal Systems: Liberal to Authoritarian
* Divide People by their Legal Systems
* Lawsuit PSYCHiatry's APA, ABPN, & More...
* Lawsuits Needed in the USA
* Lawsuit All Anti-PSYCHotic Drug Companies
* Lawsuit the Food & Drug Administration for PSYCH Drugs
* Lawsuit the Departments of Health
* Decreasing the Cost of Lawyers
Political Parties & Political Issues:
* Divide People by their Political Parties!
* Reasons for Future Civil Wars / Revolutions
* Reasons for New Countries to Form
* New Governments are Needed that...
* New Declarations of Independence Needed
* New Constitutions Needed
* Creating a New U.S. State / How to Create a New U.S. State & Why
* Why New US States are Needed (its about State Controlled Departments of the Government)
* Converting Small USA Territory into Another Country
* Current Goals of the Main Political Parties
* If Republicans Separate from Democrats...
* New & Improved Protests for after 2020
* Getting Targeted Individual Leaders Elected & into the U.N.
* Getting Anti-PSYCHiatry Leaders Elected & into the U.N.
* Nation's Population Divided 50/50 on the Following Issues (Religious Belief, PSYCHic & Paranormal Phenomenon Belief, Political Party Affiliation)
* Words for Protesting Psychiatry
* Words for Protesting Homelessness
* Words for Protesting Women's Fashion
* Words for Protesting Unemployment
* Words for Protesting Police
* Words for Protesting Education
* Words for Protesting Non-for-Profit Social Service Centers
International Issues & Relations:
* Changes Needed around the World
* How to Assess a Nation's System
* How Islam can Help Fashion
* How Islam can Help Sexual Procreation
* How Islam can Help Homelessness
* PSYCHic & Religious Issues: How Asia Can Help
* PSYCHic Issues: How Asia Can Help
* Religious Issues: How Asia Can Help
* Atheist Revolutions: How the Original Axis Powers Can Help
* Which countries are the most correct?
* How to Assess a Country
* Understanding World War
* New Countries are Needed that...
* Countries it's Legal to...
* Countries it's Illegal to...
* Countries that Don't Neglect the Homeless
* Countries that Don't Neglect Homeless Women
* Problems with the United Nations
* America is too European!
* International Laws the USA Breaks
* International Laws that Almost All Nations are Breaking / United Nations Laws that Almost All Nations are Breaking
* How U.S. Citizens are Worse than the World
* How the U.S.A. is Worse than the World
* The Only Ways the U.S.A. is Better than the Rest of the World
* Finding Human Rights Leaders to Join the United Nations
* Countries the Most like Jewish Heaven
* Countries that Follow the Most Biblical/Judeo-Christian Law (Not the Christian or Jewish Countries)
* Stopping the World from Copying "Western" Women
* Political Asylum is Needed from PSYCHiatry
* Political Asylum is Needed for PSYCHics
* Political Asylum is Needed for Atheists
* Political Asylum is Needed for PSYCHotronically Attacked
* New Sovereign Charter Cities Needed
* A Better Empire: New City Structures & Governments that Work
* The Class Divisions Inside of Cities
* Anti-Psychiatry Charter Cities / Creating Charter Cities with no Forced Psychiatry
* Problems with Most Cities
* How to Create a City like Heaven
* Creating Eco-Friendly Cities
* Creating Cities with Better Government
* Creating Better Islamic Cities
* Creating Cities without Unemployment & Homelessness
* Minimizing Crime in Cities
* Minimizing Crime in Washington, D.C.
* Increasing Parkour Gyms in Cities
* Stopping Romance Solicitation in Public Areas of Cities
* Increasing Romance Businesses in Cities
* How to Create a City like Hell
* How to Create Revelations yourself without War
* How to Create Better Cities than Heaven
* Creating Healthier Cities
* Creating Cities with less Sexual Problems
* Creating Cities with less Crime
* Cartoons about City Development & Planning Issues
* Cartoons about Business Planning in Cities
* How to Create a new Empire (without war)
* Understanding (New) Spreading Empires
* Kinder's Desired Empires
* Classes of Businesses in Capitalism
* Disorganized Capitalism
* Capitalism versus Non-for-Profits
* What's Wrong with the Non-for-Profits
* Classes of Businesses & Products in Capitalism
* New Businesses Needed
* Art inside of Capitalism: Business & Products
* What's Wrong with Marketing & Advertising
* The Businesses Not Labeled (the one is White Buildings)
* For-Profits Needed for the Homeless
* Common Problems with Customer Service Skills in Businesses
* What's the upper, middle, & lower in Capitalism?
* The Worse than Capitalism's (non-for profits)
* For-Profits, Non-for-Profits vs. Governments
* Political Parties & Business Beliefs
* New Mall Types Needed
* Cost Equals Quality in Capitalism (& Avoiding Free Places)
* Avoiding Free of Charge Places, Because...
* Recreation & Socioeconomic Class Explained
* Stop these Inferior Recreational Activities
* Using Recreation to Assess Social Intelligence
* Using Recreation to Assess Natural Employment
* Using Recreation to Assess Natural College Major
Sexual Procreation:
* Sexual Problems around the World Explained
* Political Parties & Sexual Morality
* Why Male-Female Separation is Needed
* How to Improve Islamic Countries
* We Have No Adultery Laws!
* Colors & Romance Preferences
* Women's Clothing & Romance Preferences
* Personalities & Romance Styles (Girlfriend, Wife, etc...)
* Decreasing Romantic Love & Relationship, Because...
* Creating Places with Stricter Sex Laws (Businesses, Districts, Cities, Countries)
* How Dating Behaviors & Laws Clash
* Autistic Behavior Daters
* New Romance Statistics Needed
Life Skills Education / Counseling / Therapy
* Three-Five Life Skill Levels in Capitalism, not One
* Problems with Western Life Counseling / Life Counseling Malpractice
* Life Skill Levels & Life Counseling
* Political Parties & Life Counseling
* Western Life Counselors are too Leftist
* 3 Classes of Life Coaches
* Quality of Good vs. Bad Life Coaches
* Life Skills & PSYCHic Attacks
* Life Skill Divisions Needed in Counseling (of counselors and clients)
* What's Wrong with Most Life Education / Therapy in most Societies?
* They Don't Fix your Personal Life!
* Art Therapy Degrees are Wrong!
* Recreational Therapy Degrees are Wrong!
* No Therapy for Women's Fashion?!
* No Therapy for Oversexualized Women?!
* Cost Equals Quality in Life Counseling (Except in Hospitals)
* Avoiding Free or Sliding Scale Counselors
* Decreasing the Cost of Life Counselors
* The Government's Involvement in Life Counseling/Coaching
PSYCHology & PSYCHiatry:
Problems & Characteristics of PSYCHology & PSYCHiatry in General:
* Austigic Autistic PSYCHiatry
* Problems in PSYCHiatry / PSYCHiatric Malpractice
* Problems with PSYCHology
* The Illegality of Forced PSYCHiatry!
* The Illegality of PSYCHiatry
* How PSYCHology is Fake!
* Collection of Statements Against PSYCHiatry
* PSYCHiatry & Neurology Need Separating
* The Different Levels of Awareness & PSYCHiatry's Autistic Limited View
* PSYCHiatrists Don't Know the Following:...
* PSYCHiatry Teaches only the Lowest Life Skilled
* Low-Life-Skilled PSYCHiatry
* The PSYCHiatric Diseases with No Cure (& No Treatment)
* PSYCH Drugs that Do & Don't Work
* Who is Controlling PSYCHiatry?
* PSYCHiatry's Lack of Understanding about Sex
* PSYCHiatry Pretends Everything is from the Mind / PSYCHiatry is Not Supposed to be About Only the Mind
* The Faulty Definition of PSYCHe
* PSYCHiatry & Different Levels of Social Intelligence (What Intelligence is & is not Allowed)
* PSYCHiatry: Why Everybody is Not Told About it in Detail
* PSYCHiatry vs Levels of Social Awareness
* PSYCHiatry Decreases Social Awareness
* PSYCHiatry Decreases Cognitive Function
* What Hospitals do to the PSYCHiatrically Medically Malpracticed
* Cost Equals Quality in PSYCHiatry (Except Hospitals)
* PSYCHiatry is Not Just the Mind
* PSYCHiatry's False Focus on Internal Realm Only (Especially the Mind) / PSYCHiatry's False Focus on Mind & Emotions Alone
* PSYCHiatry has no Proof!
* Personalities Associated with PSYCH(iatric) Diseases
* Drugging instead of ...
* World Views on PSYCHiatry
* PSYCHiatry: Often Calling REALITY a Delusion
* PSYCHiatry's Confusion of What's Reality & What's a Delusion
* PSYCHiatry's Confusion of What's Reality & What's Psychosis
* The Government Does Not Require that PSYCHiatry have Proof
* The Government's Involvement (& Lack of Involvement) in PSYCHiatry
* Citizens are Not Warned About PSYCHiatry
* Citizens are Not Warned about the Diagnosis of Schizophrenia
* Citizens are Not Warned about Paranormal Phenomenon & PSYCHiatry / What the Government Never Told you About the Paranormal
* Legitimacy of the PSYCHiatry is Never Questioned by the Government
* PSYCHiatric Diseases are "Life-Situational" ("Life-Situation"-Based) & not Just Biological
* 5 Increasing Levels of PSYCHic Intelligence for Body & Surroundings (& Where PSYCHiatry Falls)
* What "Schizophrenics" Really Die from!
How to Fix PSYCHology & PSYCHiatry in General:
* Legal Changes Needed in PSYCHiatry
* Life Skill Divisions Needed in PSYCHiatry
* A Better Categorization of PSYCHiatric Diseases is Needed! / Fixing the Current Categorization of PSYCHiatric Diseases!
* Remove Neurology from PSYCHiatry
* Remove Academic Disorders from PSYCHiatry
* PSYCHiatric Statistics Not Yet Found
* Demanding Use of Assessment Questionnaires in All PSYCHiatry & the Storing of Patients Answers
* Better Assessment Methods & Recreation for PSYCHiatry
* Better Recreation for PSYCHiatry
* The Diseases Needing Separation from PSYCHiatry
* Put Security Cameras on PSYCHiatric Staff!
* PSYCHiatry Needs to Include Obesity!
* Better Division of PSYCHiatrists by Specialties Needed
* Removing Intelligence Disorders from PSYCHiatry
* How to Save the Victims of PSYCHiatry!
* A Higher Awareness than PSYCHiatry is Needed / PSYCHiatry's Limited Awareness vs Actual Reality (with Diagram)
* Protect the PSYCHics from PSYCHiatry
* Protect the Victims of PSYCHic Attacks from PSYCHiatry
* Stop the Anti-PSYCHotics!
* Stop Dopamine Inhibitor Drugs when Patients Don't have Elevated Dopamine!
* Stopping PSYCHiatry from Working with Possessions
* New Statistics Needed in PSYCHiatry
* New Research Projects Needed in PSYCHiatry
* A Better Understanding the External Factors of the Body which Cause PSYCHiatric Diseases
* Incorporating PSYCHic Possessions into Healthcare
* Incorporating the PSYCHic Realm into Healthcare
* Incorporating PSYCHotronics into Healthcare
Problems & Characteristics of PSYCHiatric Wards (& Forced PSYCHiatry):
* Who's in the PSYCH Wards
* The Autistic Recreation in PSYCH Wards
* Malpractice in PSYCH Wards (a description of their problems)
* Recreation Malpractice in PSYCH Wards (it's low life skilled)
* Assessment Malpractice in PSYCH Wards
* Forced PSYCHiatry even with Negative Biometrics
* No Biometrics Told in Forced PSYCHiatry: Not to courts, Patients or Anyone. (They are taken but never told)
* The Assessment Questions Asked in PSYCH Wards
* The Illegality of Forced PSYCHiatry
* Questionnaires in PSYCH Wards are Not Used
* Obesity Not Locked Away?!
* The Different Focuses of PSYCHiatric Hospitals / Different PSYCH Hospitals, Different Focuses
* Inside Forced PSYCHiatry: Faulty, Subjective Behavioral Analysis
* PSYCH Wards Create Trauma & Depression
* PSYCH Wards Improper Assessments
* Forced PSYCHiatry Creates Mistrust in Healthcare
* PSYCH Wards Don't Ask "How Does this Drug Affect You?" / PSYCH Wards Don't Ask Patients the Positive & Negative Effects of the drugs
* PSYCH Wards Don't Ask about Side Effects of Drugs
* PSYCH Wards Don't Warn about Side Effect of Drugs
* PSYCH Wards & Side Effects of their Drugs (A Listing of all their Problems)
* PSYCH Wards Improperly Assess Behavior of Patients (What they Don't Realize)
* Forced PSYCHiatry: Drugging Before Court Dates
* Forced PSYCHiatry: Drugging Before Testing
* PSYCHiatry: Arresting People who Commit Zero Crime
* PSYCHiatry: Arresting People who Commit 'Sin'
* U.S. PSYCHiatry: Locking Away World Travelers
* PSYCHiatry: Allowing Families to Falsely Lock Away Family
* Why PSYCH Wards Misdiagnose / Why PSYCH Ward Misdiagnosis is So High!
* The Five Week PSYCHiatric Hold for Diagnosis of PSYCHosis & What Happens
* Socialization Ability & Forced PSYCHiatry in
* PSYCHiatry: Falsely for the Sub-, Super-, & Para- Normal
* Witchcraft Trials Component of PSYCHiatry
* Society's too Swift Switch from Witchcraft Trials to PSYCHiatry / From Witchcraft Trials to Diagnosis of "Mental Illness" (& Nothing in Between)
* PSYCHiatry: Arresting Witches & those Affected by Witchcraft
* PSYCHiatry's Attempt to Stop & Hide Magic
* PSYCH Ward Patients vs Staff: A Comparison / Comparing PSYCH Ward Staff to Clients
* The Liars Who Have Others Locked Away in PSYCHiatry (& Reasons Why they Do it)
* PSYCH Wards: Locking away Side Effects of PSYCHiatric Drugs
* Inferior Fitness Activities PSYCH Wards
* PSYCH Wards & the Dangerous Side Effects of their Drugs (They don't warn about, monitor, notice or acknowledge, or treat them)
* Drug Users & Diagnosed 'Schizophrenics" in PSYCH Wards are More Normal than their Staff
* Legitimacy of the PSYCHiatric Ward is Never Questioned by the Government
* PSYCH Wards Treatment of Patients as Pre-Schoolers or Brain Damaged
* PSYCHiatric Workers False Contact of Adult 'Patients'
* PSYCHiaty's Mistreatment of Volunteer-Lifestyle 'Patients'
* PSYCHiatry's Lack of Understanding of Different Socioeconomic Classes of their Unemployed 'Patients'
* PSYCHiatry's Mistreatment of the Unemployed
* PSYCHiatric Workers Not Knowing of Spy Families who Throw their Family Members into PSYCHiatry / (PSYCH Revolutionary) Spy Families Forcing their Children into PSYCHiatry
* The Children of Black Sun in Forced PSYCHiatry
* PSYCH Wards vs Hotel Resorts
Fixing the Problems of PSYCHiatric Wards:
* Ways to Divide PSYCH Patients
* Can the Person Work?: A Better Assessment for PSYCH Ward Stays
* Placing Undercovers in PSYCH Wards
*Only Times When People Should Be Locked into PSYCHiatry are...
* People Should Not Be Locked Away into PSYCHiatry When...
* Placement of PSYCH Wards in Cities
* Improving the Assessment Questions Asked in PSYCH Wards
* Where's the PSYCHiatric Diagnostic Questionnaires in PSYCH Wards? / There's No PSYCHiatric Diagnostic Questionnaires Given in PSYCHiatric Wards
* Demanding Use of Questionnaires in Forced PSYCHiatric & the Storing of Patients Answers
* Placing Security Cameras in PSYCHiatric Centers & on their Staff
* Remove the Neurologically Diseased from PSYCH Wards
* Stop Forced PSYCHiatry of Employable People
* Better Assessment for Socialization Ability in PSYCH Wards Needed
* Stop Forced, False PSYCHiatry of Neurological Disorders
* Improving Fitness in PSYCH Wards
* Creating Better PSYCHiatric Wards
* Making PSYCH Wards More Like Hotels
* PSYCH Ward's Subnormal Recreation
* Fixing the TV Programs in PSYCH Ward's
* Austigic Autistic PSYCHiatrists
* Austisgic Autistic PSYCH Ward Staff
* Psychiatric Workers have 'Austigers' / PSYCHiatric Workers are 'Austigic'
* The Natural Careers of Psychological & PSYCHiatric Workers
* The Austigic Autistic Art of the PSYCH Workers
* The Austigic Autistic Recreation of the PSYCH Workers
* The Austigic Autistic Counseling of the PSYCH Workers
* The PSYCH Workers from Poverty...
* The PSYCH Workers from Different Classes
Misdiagnosis of Schizophrenia:
* Remove Schizophrenia from Healthcare!
* The Misdiagnosis of 'Schizophrenia'
* Remove Communication Disorders from Schizophrenia Diagnosis
* Targeted Individuals vs Schizophrenics
* The Life Experiences that are Falsely Diagnosed as Schizophrenia
* Common Situations that Falsely Get Diagnosed as Schizophrenia or Psychosis
* Reforms Needed in Schizophrenia Diagnosis!
* Cases When Psychiatry Falsely Diagnoses Paranoid Schizophrenia
* Cases When Psychiatry Falsely Diagnoses Disorganized Schizophrenia
* 90-99% of PSYCHosis and Schizophrenia Diagnosis are Wrong / Only 1-10% of PSYCHosis and Schizophrenia Diagnosis are Probably Correct
* Schizophrenia: "Going Silenced" Plus "Being PSYCHically Aware"
* "Going Silenced" Part of Schizophrenia Diagnosis
* "Going Silenced" while Going PSYCHically Aware & Schizophrenia Diagnosis
* Conspiracy of Schizophrenia Diagnosis
* Conspiracy of PSYCHiatry: From Witchcraft Trials to Schizophrenia Diagnosis
* Schizophrenia Diagnosis: The Pharmaceutical Murder & Harm of PSYCHically Aware
* Schizophrenia Diagnostic Questionnaires Ask About: (1) Paranormal Experiences & (2) Loss in Communication Skills
* What Schizophrenia Diagnosis Really Means
* If you Don't Say its Jesus, they'll Call you Schizophrenia!
* All Christians are "Schizophrenic"
* Removing "Negative" Symptoms of Schizophrenia from Diagnosis
* Removing Depression Symptoms from Schizophrenia Diagnosis
* Real PSYCHic Phenomenon vs. Hallucinations: PSYCHiatry Does not Distinguish Between the Two
* Targeted Individuals Misdiagnosed as Schizophrenics
* Schizophrenic Diagnosis vs Religious
* Separating Legitimate Paranormal Experiences from Schizophrenia Diagnoses
Misdiagnosis of Neurological Disorders:
* E.R.s are Misdiagnosing Neurological Disorders as PSYCHiatry
Misdiagnosis of Side Effects of PSYCHiatric Drugs:
* The Misdiagnosis of Side Effects of PSYCH Drugs as PSYCH Diseases
Misdiagnosis of Other PSYCHiatric Disorders:
* The Misdiagnosis of 'Delusional'
* The Misdiagnosis of 'Paranoia'
* The Misdiagnosis of of 'PSYCHosis'
* The Misdiagnosis Leading to Anti-PSYCHotics
* Cases When PSYCHiatry Falsely Diagnoses Psychosis
* Cases When PSYCHiatry Falsely Diagnoses Delusional Disorder
* Reforms Needed in PSYCHosis Diagnosis!
* The Fake Diagnosis of PSYCHosis
* Differentiating Between Legitimate "Hard to Prove" Situations & Delusions
* Differentiating Between Legitimate "Hard to Prove" Situations & Paranoia
* Differentiating Between Paranormal Experiences & Hallucinations
Misdiagnosis in General:
* Why PSYCHiatry Misdiagnoses / Why so Much PSYCHiatric Misdiagnosis!
* PSYCHiatry's Faulty Diagnostic Tools
* If There are No Medical Tests as Proof of Disease, then there is No Cure Either
* PSYCHiatry & the Dangerous Side Effects of its Drugs
* Better Assessment Methods of 'Behavior' / Better Behavioral Assessment Methods
* Same Drug whether you Answer "Yes" or "No!"
* PSYCHiatry: Faulty Subjective Behavior Analysis Over Medical Test Results
* Better PSYCHiatric Assessment Methods
* PSYCHiatric Diseases Have no Medical Proof
* Medical Technology Must Prove the Disease!
* Why PSYCHiatry Can't Prove Any of it Diseases
* Lack of Medical Technology Proof PSYCHiatric Diseases
* PSYCHiatry Does Not Use Biometric Data
* Why PSYCHiatry Does Not Use the Biometric Data it Obtains (the brain scans, blood tests, etc..)
* Why Biometric Data & Diagnoses are Not Correlated in PSYCHiatry!
* Medical Technological Proof Must be Required for Diagnosing PSYCH Diseases
* PSYCHiatrists Ignore their Forced Brain Scans & Blood Tests in Diagnosis
* Brain Scans & Blood Tests: Not What is Really Used in PSYCHiatric Diagnosis
* Demanding Biological Medical Tests as Proof in Forced PSYCHiatry!
* No Due Process in PSYCHiatry!
* PSYCH Courts Don't Ask for Biometric Proof!
* What PSYCH Courts Don't Ask For
* PSYCHiatric System More Corrupt than Criminal Justice System
* The Proof that Should be Given in PSYCHiatric Courts, But is Not
* PSYCHiatric Courts: No Proof of Disease or Behavior is Required
* Less Justice (Due Process) in PSYCHiatric Courts than in Criminal Courts
* PSYCHiatric Courts Should Demand the Following Data!
* Specific Questions the PSYCHiatric Court Public Defendant is Supposed but Never Does! / Questions Forced PSYCH Patients' Lawyer is Supposed to Ask in PSYCHiatric Court!
* The Horrible Public Defenders in Forced PSYCHiatry / The Legal Malpractice of Public Defenders in Forced PSYCHiatry
* Law Suiting False Diagnosis of Schizophrenia & PSYCHosis: What a Lawyer Should Bring Up!
* Questions a Forced PSYCH "Patient's" Lawyer Should Bring Up in PSYCH Court for False Diagnosis of Schizophrenia or PSYCHosis
* No Real Court Before Forced PSYCHiatry
* No Court Before Drugging
* Patient Not Talked to in Court
* Perjury not Investigated in Forced PSYCHiatry
* The 3 Courts in Forced PSYCHiatry & What's Wrong
* Demanding Open & Real Court Before Forced PSYCHiatry
* The PSYCH Patient Never Sees or Speaks to the Judge
* PSYCH Patients have no Jury Trials
* Advice Involuntary Commitment Psych Judges
* Advice to Anti-PSYCHiatry Involuntary Commitment Lawyers / Advice to Lawyers Helping Involuntary Committed PSYCH Patients
* The Low Life Skills of PSYCH Wards
* The Low Life Skills of PSYCHiatric & PSYCHological Workers
* Low Life Skilled, Austigic Autistic Recreational Activities in PSYCH Wards
* The Wrong Life Skills Taught by PSYCHiatric & PSYCHological Workers
* Current PSYCHiatric & PSYCHological Asssitance Only for the People with the Lowest Life Skills of Society
* PSYCHiatry & PSYCHology's Lack of Knowledge about the Hierarchy of Life Skills that Exist in Society in the Different Socioeconomic Classes
* More...
* Social Intelligence is not PSYCHosis!
* SuperNormal vs. PSYCHotic
* Foreign Culture's Behavior vs. PSYCHosis
* Austigic PSYCH Staff vs. their Diagnosed 'Schizophrenics'
* Citizens Aren't Told that Paranormal is PSYCHiatry's 'Schizophrenia'
* Save the PSYCHics from PSYCHiatry!
* Stopping Current PSYCHatry from working with PSYCHic Issues
* PSYCHiatric Drugs & the PSYCHic Realm
* PSYCHiatry & the PSYCHic Realm
* PSYCHic Phenomenon & PSYCHiatry: "Don't Tell!"
* Supernatural Phenomenon & PSYCHiatry: "Don't Tell!"
*PSYCHiatry & the Supernormal People!
* PSYCHic vs. PSYCHotic
* PSYCHic Experience vs. PSYCHosis
* PSYCHotronic Weapons Experience vs. PSYCHosis
* Paranormal Experience vs. PSYCHosis
* Sci-Fi Experience vs. PSYCHosis
* ESP versus PSYCHiatry / PSYCHics vs PSYCHiatry
* PSYCHiatry vs. Religion vs. PSYCHics vs. Advanced Technology
* PsychIC not included in PsychIATRY / PSYCHic not included in PSYCHiatry / Bring PSYCHic into PSYCHiaty
* PSYCHiatry: Falsely for the Sub-, Super-, & Para- Normal
* Witchcraft Trials Component of PSYCHiatry
* Society's too Swift Switch from Witchcraft Trials to PSYCHiatry / From Witchcraft Trials to Diagnosis of "Mental Illness" (& Nothing in Between)
* PSYCHiatry: Arresting Witches & those Affected by Witchcraft
* PSYCHiatry's Attempt to Stop & Hide Magic
* 4 Types of PSYCHic Experiences & their Relation to PSYCHiatry
* Anti-PSYCHotics as Witch Trials
* Changes in Personality & the Paranormal Realm vs PSYCHiatry
* Police & Military vs PSYCHiatry with PSYCHics / Police & Military Use PSYCHics, But PSYCHiatry Locks them Away
* Proof of PSYCHic Realm vs Proof of Schizophrenia
* PSYCHiatry Doesn't Recognize "Possessions"
* PSYCHiatry Misdiagnoses Everything Sci-Fi-Like as PSYCHosis
* What PSYCHiatry Believes to be "Mental Illness", 50% of the Population Believes to be Paranormal
* PSYCHiatry: Pretending that the PSYCHic Realm is "Mental Illness"
* PSYCHiatry Forces Drugs on People Experiencing the Paranormal
* Increasing Scientific Knowledge About the Paranormal in order to Stop PSYCHiatry Malpractice
* PSYCHiatry Doesn't Believe in PSYCHotronic Attacks & Manipulations
* PSYCHiatry Doesn't Believe in PSYCHic Attacks & Manipulations
* PSYCHiatry Doesn't Believe in Gods, Angels, Demons, etc...
* PSYCHiatry Doesn't Believe in Superpowers or Superheroes
* PSYCHiatry Doesn't Believe in Magic or Witchcraft
* PSYCHiatry Doesn't Believe in Ghosts or Spirits
* PSYCHiatry Doesn't Believe in Time Travel or Multiple Dimensions
* PSYCHiatry Doesn't Believe in Outer Space Aliens & Space Ships
* PSYCHiatry Doesn't Believe in Faith Healing
* PSYCHiatry Doesn't Believe in PSYCHic Readings
* PSYCHiatry Doesn't Believe in Any Sci-Fi Like Experiences
* Term Comparisons for Religion, PSYCHic Experiences, & PSYCHiatry
* Outer Space Alien Issues & PSYCHiatry
* PSYCHic vs Non-PSYCHic PSYCHiatic Staff: The Issue of Getting the Right or Wrong Drug, for What is Happening on the PSYCHic Realm
* The PSYCHotronic Devices in PSYCH Wards
*PSYCHiatry's Removing of Black Sun PSYCHic Possessions with Reperidal
* PSYCHiatry's Removal of Church PSYCHic Possessions
* What PSYCHiatriatic Drugs to Take, Based on What is Happening on the PSYCHic Realm
* What Different PSYCHiatric Drugs Do on the PSYCHic Realm
* Separate Christianity from PSYCHiatry
* All Religion is PSYCHosis in PSYCHiatry (but the staff don't know)
* Why the Religious People are not in PSYCH Wards / Forced PSYCHiatry! (The Constitution Protects them: no law can be made for or against them)
* Religious Experience vs. PSYCHosis
* The Constitution, PSYCHiatry & Religion
* PSYCHiatry & Religion: The Problem
* No Separation of Religion from Forced PSYCHiatry / Separation from Religion & Forced PSYCHiatry
* Forced Christian PSYCHiatry Exists
* Why are Churches Allowed to Sound Schizophrenic?
* Everything the Church Pastors Say is "Schizophrenia"!
* Everything the Religious Leaders Say is "Schizophrenia"!
* World Protecting Churches from Schizophrenia Diagnosis
* What Religions Recognize & PSYCHiatry Does Not
* Proof of God vs Proof of Schizophrenia
* PSYCHiatrists Don't Know that Religion is "Schizophrenia"
* Jesus Would be Called a Schizophrenic Today
* If you Don't Say it's Jesus or God, in PSYCHiatry, then... (about PSYCHic experiences called schizophrenia unless you call it Jesus or God)
* Autistic PSYCHology Degrees!:What they Actually Teach Students is.... / Problems with PSYCHology Degrees
* Reforming the PSYCHology Degree
(See Government-Related Section at Top of Page)
Homelessness & Homeless Assistance:
* The Autistic Homeless Shelter Staff
* The Problems with the Homeless Workers
* The Recreation in Homeless Shelters
* Voodoo, or PSYCHic Attacks, in the Homeless System
* Ineptitude of the Homeless Shelters
* What's Wrong with the Churches helping the Homeless?
* PSYCHiatry & Homelessness: Falsely Combined
* Problems of Job Ads, Training, etc... in Homelessness
* No Separation from Religion & Homeless System
* Homeless Shelters Types that Don't Yet Exist
* The Inefficiency of Non-for-Profit Homeless Centers
* The Homeless Centers Harms the Upper & Middle Class / How the Homeless Centers Harm the Upper & Middle Class
* How the Homeless Centers Harm the Upper & Middle Life Skilled
* Mistake of Combining all Non-for-Profit Homeless Centers in City
* Homeless Shelters vs PSYCH Wards
* Homeless Shelters vs Hotels & Hostels
* Specialized Homeless Shelters that Do & Do Not Exist
* How the Homeless Shelters Destroy Washington, D.C.
* Improved Recreation for Homeless Shelters Needed
* How to Divide the Homeless as in Capitalism
* How to Divide the Homeless by Life Skills/Socioeconomic Class
* Socioeconomic Class Divisions Needed in Homelessness
* Creating Better Division of People in Homeless Shelters
* Lawsuits Needed Against the Homeless Centers
* New Laws Needed for Homeless Centers
* Removing SSDI & SSI Recipients from Homelessness
* Removing the Criminals from Homeless Centers
* Creating for-Profit Homeless Centers
* Making Homeless Shelters more Like Hotels
* Dividing the Homeless by PSYCHiatric Disorders (If You Must Call them PSYCHiatric)
* Who Goes Homeless / Who's in the Homeless Shelters
* All the Causes of Homelessness
* The Truth about the Dislocated Outside of Capitalism (or the Homeless)
* The Natural Careers of the Homeless Workers
* The Wrong Homeless in Some Areas / Which Homeless Belong in the Area
* The Homeless People's Natural Careers
* Where the Homeless Sleep
* Homeless People's Sleeping Locations & their Natural Employment
* The False Misconceptions about the Homeless
* Homeless People's Street Begging Locations & their Natural Careers / Street Beggar's Locations & their Natural Employment
* The Ones Not Originally Our Neighbors / Not Our Original Neighbors / Where the Homeless Lived Before
* The Homeless that Don't Belong (in the City)
* The Rich & Upper Class Go Homeless Too, So...
* The Middle & Upper Life Skilled Go Homeless too!
* Characteristics of the Previously Upper Class Homeless
* Characteristics of the D.C. Homeless that Belong
* Characteristics of the D.C. Homeless that Don't Belong
* The Homeless with No I.D.s
* The Homeless Needing United Nations Assistance
* The Washington, D.C. Homeless Seeking Political Asylum from the USA
* The D.C. Homeless Seeking International Assistance
* Many D.C. Homeless Want War Against the US Government
* The D.C. Volunteer Homeless Soldiers
* The PSYCHic Homeless
* How the African Americans Destroy & Overload the Homeless Shelters in Washington, D.C.
* How the Non-Disabled African Americans Take Away All the SSDI Stipend Money from the Government in Washington, D.C. (Especially the Bipolar 2 Ones)
* How the Non-Natives Destroy & Overload the Homeless Shelters of Washington, D.C.
* The Ex-Millionaires in the D.C. Homeless System
* Ways to Help the Homeless
* Helping the Homeless in a For-Profit Way / For-Profit Assistance to the Homeless
* The Population Doesn't Know how to Help the Homeless
* The Populations Flaws in Helping the Homeless
* How People Help the Homeless is their Socioeconomic Class
* Political Parties & Homeless Assistance Beliefs
* The Mistreatment of the Homeless
* Why Homelessness Still Exists / Why the Homeless are Not Assisted
* The Current Government's Involvement (& Lack of Involvement) with Homelessness
* Finding Government Funding to Help the Homeless
* Making it Illegal for SSDI & SSI Recipients to Sleep Outside
* Making it Illegal for SSDI & SSI Recipients to Use Free Homeless Shelters
* Helping the Zero Income, Healthcare Disabled from Homelessness
* Removing the Criminals from Homelessness
* The Common Unknown Reasons for Homelessness
* Placing Undercovers in Homeless Shelters
* Full Homelessness vs PSYCH Wards
* New Homeless Statistics Needed
* How the Homeless Get Out of Homelessness
* Changing Public Opinions on the Homeless
* What Causes Normal People to Stay Homeless after it Happens
* Reasons for Homelessness that are not the Homeless People's Fault
* Reasons Even Normal People Get Neglected & Just Stay Falsely Homeless
* The Types of Undercovers in D.C. Homeless System
* Social Infiltration of Undercovers in D.C. Homeless System
* U.S. Military, CIA, FBI, etc... in the D.C. Homeless System
* The Drug Dealing Bicycle Riders in D.C. Homeless System
* The Aerospace Workers in the D.C. Homeless System
* The Russian Issues in the D.C. Homeless System
* Black Sun in the D.C. Homeless System
* The PSYCHotronic Attacks on the D.C. Homeless
* D.C. Police Helicopters Chasing the Homeless
* D.C. Police & Military Use PSYCHotronic Weapons against Homeless
* Behavior of the Secret Service Police Towards the Homeless
* Problems of D.C. Police with the Homeless
* D.C. Homeless & their Talk about Spaceships in the Capital
* People Claiming to be Outer Space Aliens in D.C. Homeless System
* People Claiming to be Time Travel Militia in the D.C. Homeless System
* Shapeshifting Infiltration of the D.C. Homeless System
* The Poisonings in the D.C. Homeless System
* The U.N. Workers in the D.C. Homeless System
* The Crime in the Parks of Washington, D.C.
* Bible Character Spies in D.C. Homelessness
* The Severe Crime Under the Bridges in D.C
* Keeping the Homeless from Starting Wars
* Decreasing Crimes in Homelessness
* Sexual Predation on the Homeless Women
* Sexual Predation on the Homeless
Housing / Seeping Accommodation:
* Housing Community Types Needed
* Making Housing More Conservative
Food & Drinks:
* The Nation's Focus on Food
* Nutrition & Socioeconomic Class
* Obesity Needs to be a Crime or Psychiatric Disease!
* Stop Ball Sports / Stop Throwing Balls
* The Wrong Sports Get Money
* Cost Equals Quality for Fitness Gyms
Women's Issues:
* Women Upside Down in Morality! (and Not Men)
* The Problem with Women's Fashion!
* The Fashion of Women in Each Class
* Current Women Lower Life Skilled than Men/The Lower Life Skills of Women / Life Skills of Men versus Women
* Women: Islamic versus the Others / Life Skills of Islamic Women vs Other Women
* Male-Gender Females Conspiracy (Held Down)
* The Female Gender, a Romance Persona
* Female Personalities & Romance Personas
* Where are Far-Right Women?
* Women Became Left, Not Right
* What is a Real Upper Class Woman?
* Women Equal to Men are Where? (Homeless, upside down in society)
* The Sexual Revolution Went Left Instead of Farther Right
* What's Wrong with Women from the Western Societies?
* Women's Sexualized Personalities
* Women Still Paid on Dates! / Women Still Paid to Date!
* The Life Skills Problem with Women / The Lower Life Skills of Most Women
* Life Skills of Men vs. Women
* Political Parties & Women's Issues
* Manual Laborer Men vs All Women
* New Women's Fashion Statistics Needed
* Fixing Women's Swim Suits
* Problem with Women's Swim Suits
* Changing the Culture of Women's Swim Suits
* Fixing Females' Gymnastics Leotards
* Clothing for Women not Soliciting Sex
* Making Women's Clothing not Sexually Accessible
* Changing the Culture of Women's Fashion
* Women's Voice Tone & their Socioeconomic Class
Fashion Issues:
* Cartoons for Women & Men's Fashion Issues
(See Section Above titled 'Women's Issues' for Women's Fashion Issues)
Gender Issues:
* Male-Female Gender Problems
* The Classes of Male Genders for Women
* The Different Classes of Female Gender
* Life Skills of Male vs. Female Gender
Social Intelligence Issues:
* The Plant & Animal People, or "The Austigs" (See book below 'The "Austigics" & their Characteristics')
* The Plant & Animal Conspiracy (around the world)
* Americans, Farmers
* Your Government Raised You (All) Wrong
* The FIVE Classes of Autism: Most People are Autistic!
* How to Know if Someone is Autistic
* How Your Government Makes (& Wants) You Stupid & Why
* The People Meant & Not Meant to Work with People
* Dividing People by Social Intelligence
* The Characteristics of the Most Normal People!
* The "Austigs" & their Characteristics
* Austig(ic): Attempting to Get a New Form of Highly Functional Autism Recognized
* Autism, Aspergers, & "Austig"
* Autistic Austigers vs. the Real Normal People
Racial Issues:
* The African American Problem Explained
* The Life Skills of the African Americans
* Reverse Racial Discrimination Problem (& Life Skills)
* Being Classist & Not Racist
* African Americans versus Africans: The Differences
* African American Positives
* African American Negatives
* Hypocrisy of the Word Nigger / African Americans & the Word Nigger
* African Americans with the Wrong European Americans / Wrong Blacks with the Wrong Whites
* African American Problem in Washington, D.C. Area
* African Americans are Like Foreigners
* African Americans & their Political Parties
* The Non-for-Profit African Americans
* African Americans & Russians
* African Americans: Islam & Nazism
* African Americans & Satanism
* It's Not their Skin Color, its Their Behavior
* It's Not their Skin Color, its their Life Skills
* What Could Make African Americans Less Angry
* African Americans & PSYCHic Abilities / Black vs. White Americans & PSYCHic Abilities
* Possible Reason why Most Black Americans Don't Ascend
* Social Intelligence of the Upper, Middle & Lower Class
* New African American Racism Statistics Needed
* Were the African Slaves Generational Spies?
* African Americans in the Next Revolution
* How Reverse Racial Discrimination Destroys Washington, D.C.
* How the African Americans Destroy Washington, D.C.
Aging Issues:
The Case Against Retirement
* Problems with School Literature / School Literature Malpractice
* What Literature Should be Taught
* What Literature Should Not Be Taught
* The Crime & Immorality in School Literature
* The Poverty in School Literature / School Literature's Focus on Manual Laborer Careers
* Religion is Still in School Literature
* The Paranormal in School Literature
* The PSYCHiatric Behavior & Plots in School Literature
* School Literature's Focus on Environment
* School Literature: Leading Students to Prison, PSYCH Wards, Death (Suicide), the Environment...
* The Sex Problems Found in School Literature
* School Literature: Worse than the Books in Book Stores / School Literature vs Book Store Novels
* The Low Socioeconomic Class of School Literature
* School Literature's False Focus on the Past
* School Literature's False Focus on Europe
* Remove Shakespeare from Schools
* Be Careful with Children's Books /Stop the Animal Character Children's Books
* Bogus Literature Degrees
* Too Much Literature & Not Enough...
* Teaching Role-Model-Based Literature Instead of Crime & Sin
* Creating Literature of Students just Being Students
* The Unnecessary Vocabulary Taught
* Insufficient Practical Writing Taught
* No Conversation is Taught
* Socializing is not Taught & Graded
* The Unnecessary Science Taught
* Stopping Animal Dissections in High School, Because...
* Unnecessary Foreign Language Requirements
* Too Much History is Taught
* Why All the Forced Math?
* Math After Elementary School Not Necessary
* Unnecessary Math is Taught
* False Division of Students, & thus Society, by Math Skills
* Improper Teaching of Government
* The Problems of Art Taught in the Education System
* Be Careful on Children's Entertainment / No More Animal Children's Entertainment (T.V.s, movies, books, songs, etc...)
* The Problems of School Plays / The Wrong School Plays
* Wrong Music Taught in Schools
* The Socioeconomic Class of Art Projects in Schools
* Wrong Sports in School are Emphasized
* Stop Ball Sports in Schools
* Improving Fitness & Sports in Schools
* Advice to School Fitness Administrators
* The Problem of Liberal Arts Degrees
* Trade Schools vs Liberal Arts Schools / Certificates vs Liberal Arts Degrees
* The Waste of Bachelor's & Associates Degrees
* The Joke of Bachelor's Degrees
* Liberal Arts is Not Specialized
* Colleges & Universities: A Repeat of High School
* Fake Law in Law School!
* Law School Should be a Certificate Program / Making Law School a Certificate Program & Why
* Children Don't Need that Much School
* Stop Mandatory High School!
* Forced Schooling is Inhumane
* No Purpose in Associate & Bachelor's Degrees
* The Wasted Years to Become a Doctor, Lawyer, etc...
* USA vs. Europe: Time Spent in University
* Professional Certificates Need More Respect (& Authority) in Society
* Ascend the Life Skills Taught in Schools
* The Ascended Students
* The Political Students
* High GPA Does Not Equal High Social Intelligence
* The Wrong Populars
* Qualities of Bad Schools: Curriculum, Students, Extracurriculars, & More...
* The Students that Just Repeat (the Words) / The Students that Falsely Ascend
* Education Does not Divide Students (the Population) by Social Intelligence
* Don't Teach the Word Nigger (African Americans go violent about this word)
* Rethink How to Teach African American Issues
* Reasons Many African Americans Don't Succeed in American Schools / American Schools are too European American
* Stop All Black Universities
* Children's Natural Employment
* Colleges Not Giving Natural Career Assessments
* The Classes of University Majors
* Fixing the Psychology Degree
* New College & University Majors Needed
* All these Unnecessary Courses
* Lower-Life Skilled Curriculum
* Stop Copying 'Old' Europe
* Fix School Fitness
* Government Schools Raise Students to be Poor / The Class Government Schools Raise Students to Be
* Church Schools Raise Students to be Poor
* Government & Churches Raise You Autistic
* Government/Public Schools are for the Following People..
* Liberal Arts is Autistic
* Remove American Schools European-Focus
* Schools are not Adult Survival-Oriented / Making Schools Adult-Survival-Oriented
* New Courses Needed
* Teach all Students about Abnormal & Forced Psychiatry / Schools Don't Teach Psychiatry
* Teach all Students about Counseling
* Teach all Students about Government Assistance Programs
* Teach all Students Political Parties
* Teach all Students how to Life Assist Others
* Teach Students How to Have a Conversation
* Teach Students about Local Government
* Teach Students about Elections
* Teach Students about Psychic Issues
* Teach Students Better about Politics
* Teach All Students Law
* Teach All Students Business
* Teach Students about Non-Profits
* Teach Students Etiquette
* Graded Socializing is Needed
* Teaching Socioeconomic Classes of Jobs & Careers
* New Colleges and Universities Needed
* New Grade Schools Needed
* New After School, Weekend & Summer Program Businesses Needed
* Divide Cafeterias by G.P.A.
* Dividing the Cafeteria by Future Careers
* Ways to Divide the Cafeteria
* Controlling School Cafeterias / Fixing the School Cafeterias
* Removing Sexual Problems from Schools
* Fixing School Fashion
* IQ Tests are Wrong
* Spoken Exams Needed in Schools
* College Entrance Exams are Wrong
* English & Math in School Testing not Correlated with Careers
* College Entrance Exams Don't Match the Careers they Will Study for / Matching College Entrance Exams to the Careers Students Will Study (S.A.T., L.S.A.T., G.R.E.)
* Increasing Security in Schools
* How to Stop the Bullying
* Put Security Cameras on School Staff!
* School Districts are so Important / Enforce School Districts
* Stop Sports Scholarships (Especially Ball Sports)
* Problems of Free School: Scholarships, Grants, Loans, etc...
* Stop Free College
* Stop Education Lottery
* Inferiority of Government Grade Schools
* Reasons Not to Go to College or University
* New Masters's & Ph.D Research Projects/ Dissertations Needed
* New University Research Projects Needed
* Characteristics of Students Naturally & Unnaturally Going to College or University
* Characteristics of Natural College/University Students
* Characteristics of Non-Natural College/University Students
* Natural College or University Assessment Questions
* Better College & University Admissions Questions
* Complaints to the Department of Education
* Complaints to the School Accreditation Organizations
Communications & Social Interactions:
* Necessity of Basic Language vs. Complex / Basic Language is Sufficient / The Non-Necessity of Complex Language
* Western Autistic Conversationalists
* Stop Asking "How are You?" &...
* Conversations Display who is Austigers Autistic
* Possessed Body Language
* Communication Skills & Class Divisions
* Problems with the English Language
* The Need for a New Logical Language
* The 5 Classes of Conversation
* Illogical Languages Lead to Illogical Societies / Logical Languages Lead to Logical Societies
* Language Ability vs Social Intelligence
* The (Improper) Division a Population by Language Skills
* Dyslexia & Psychic Abilities/Awareness
* Dyslexia & Language Used
* Conversation Analysis to Assess Natural Employment
* Conversation Analysis to Assess Social Intelligence
* Austigers Autism Communications & Social Interactions
Advanced Technology:
Including Electronic Surveillance, Torture, Assistance, & Control
* The Conspiracy of Advanced Technology
* Advanced Technology Available Online
* PSYCHic Technology
* (Bio)Electronic / PSYCHotronic Control, Assistance & Torture
* God-like Technology
* The People Connected to the Sky...
* Technology is better (More Advanced) than Most Humans
* PSYCHic Technology Created by PSYCHic Humans?
* PSYCHotronic vs "God's" Manipulation
* The Advanced Technology Controlling Our Society
* Targeted Individuals vs Humans in Religion
* Paranormal Technology not yet Recognized... (by Healthcare, Law, Education,...)
* Finding the PSYCHotronic Technology
* Is PSYCHotronic Technology Used by the Churches?
* Who's Using PSYCHotronic Technology?
* Some New Technologies Needed in Society
* Targeted Individuals vs the Religious
* PSYCHotronic Manipulations vs Religion
* Protecting from & Minimizing PSYCHotronic Attacks
* Body Language to Minimize PSYCHotronic Attacks
* Defensive PSYCHological Operations Studies on the U.S.A.: The PSYCHological Treats to U.S. Citizens
* The Nations that Created the World's Technology
* The 1950s Conspiracy
Life Assistance of Others:
* Life Assistance Skills of Societies as a Whole are Too Low / The Problem of Life Assistance Skills in Society
* Life Assistance Skills Display who is Autistic
* Political Parties & Life Assistance Beliefs
* For-Profit (vs. Non-for Profit) Life Assistance
Socioeconomic Class Issues:
* Appearance of Each Class
* Personalities of Each Class
* People's Matching & Mismatching of Their Socioeconomic Class to Others
* The People who Mismatch of their Socioeconomic Class to Others
* PSYCHic Abilities & Socioeconomic Class
Signs (Sometimes Strange) of Socioeconomic Class:
* Clothing style & Socioeconomic Class
* Favorite Color & Socioeconomic Class
* Favorite Animal & Socioeconomic Class
* Preferred Transportation & Socioeconomic Class
* Food Preferences & Socioeconomic Class
* Masculine, Androgenous, & Feminine Personalities
Life Assistance Non-for-Profits:
* What's Wrong with Non-for-Profit Life Assistance?
* There's No Class Division in the Non-for-Profits
* The Areas Surrounding Non-for-Profits: How Non-for Profits Destroy the Areas Surrounding them / The Areas Surrounding Free Services: How Free Services Destroy the Areas Surrounding them
* Increasing For-Profit Life Assistance
* How to Fix the Non-for-Profit Problems
* How the Life Assistance Non-for-Profits Destroy Washington, D.C.
* The Problem with Loans
* The Problem with Scholarships & Grant
Immigration & Asylum:
* Immigrate the People Who.../ Immigrate People From...
* Political Asylum Needed for....
* American Holidays: What's Wrong with them?
* The Illegality of Lying to Children about Holiday Magical Visitors (Santa Clause, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, etc...)
Illegal Drugs:
* The Conspiracies of Illegal Drugs
* PSYCHotronic Illegal Drugs
* Illegal Drugs, If Used Right...
* Illegal Drugs & PSYCHic Issues/Abilities
* Illegal Drugs & the Undercover (Military & Cops)
* Why the U.S. Military Covertly Sells Illegal Drugs
* Illegal Drugs & Nanobots
* Illegal Drugs & PSYCHiatry
* Illegal Drugs & Social Intelligence
* Political Parties & Illegal Drugs Beliefs
* Political Asylum for Illegal Drug Users
Military & Police Issues:
* Military Issues in Homelessness / The Spies in Homelessness
* Current PSYCHotronic (or 'PSYCHic Weapons') Third War
* Back Sun & World Control
* Citizens Targeted for 'Waking Up'
* PSYCHotronic Weapons on the Police & Military
Police Issues:
* False & Missed Arrests by Police
* Security Cameras Needed!
* The Natural Careers of the Police Officers
* Have Police Enforce Business Crimes too
* Have Police Enforce Civil Law too
* Have Police Enforce Business & Civil Law too
* Educate the Police on Political Asylum
* Educate the Police on Spy Issues
* Educate the Police about the United Nations & International Laws
* Educate the Police on the Reasons for Homelessness
* Educate the Police about Government Assistance Programs
* Educate the Police on the Undeveloped Government Assistance
* Educate the Police on the Different Levels of Morality
* Educate the Police on Different Country's Laws
* Educate Police About Different Political Parties & their Legal Systems
* Educate the Police about Anti-PSYCHiatry Movement & the Flaws of PSYCHiatry
* Educate Police about Male-Female Separation
* Educate the Police on the Commonality of their Mistakes
* Wong Police in Wrong Areas! / Divide the Police by their Life Skills!
* Educate Police about the Art of Criminals
* Government Advice for the Police Departments
Criminal Justice Issues: Jails, Prisons, & Courts
* Ways to Divide the Prisons / Dividing the Prisons
* Dividing the Prisons by Political Parties
* Dividing the Prisons by Morality
* Dividing the Prisons by Life Skills
* Dividing the Prisons by Socioeconomic Class
* Dividing the Prisons by Area of City / Jails & Prisons Needed in Every Area of Cities / Placement of Jails & Prison in Cities
* Dividing the Prisoners by Personal, Business or Government Crime
* Decreasing Injustice Inside Prisons
* Security Cameras on Prison Staff Needed
* A Better Division of Courts Needed
* Fixing the Law School Degree
* The Art of Natural Criminals
* Far Right is Best
* Left, Middle & Right Morality Explained
* What is Morality?
* Why be Moral?
* Moral vs Immoral Countries
* Morality & Political Parties
* Good, Evil & in Between
* Morality vs Laws
* Clash between Religious Morality & Laws
Architecture, Construction & Landscaping:
* Architecture & Nature: Making Architecture More Like Nature
* Problems with Current Architecture
* USA's Need to Increase Eco Friendly Communities: Housing, Businesses, Villages, Tourism Locations,...
* Problems of Transportation / Fixing the Transportation Problems