My 2 Political Parties:
This page has my two political parties on it that I have been gradually working on. Both of my two political parties are U.S.A-based, fully presidential-level and United Nations-level, and advanced PSYCHology-based. And they are both intended as a PSYCHological revolution; both have main, urgent goals of assisting with advanced PSYCHological human rights violations, that the governments and the United Nations are not yet assisting with, and that non-for-profit and for-profit businesses have not yet been created to assist with, using an advanced PSYCHological perspective; and both have an emphasis on Austigers Autism, life skills levels, PSYCHe issues, PSYCHic issues, PSYCHiatric reform, and more.
* Life Skill Divide Political Party:
The purpose of this political party is to life skill divide people inside of all places outside of capitalism (human/social services, law: prisons/jails/police/courts, schools, homeless shelters, etc...) at least as much as they are inside of capitalism and to also assist in better life skill dividing places inside of capitalism (the for-profit businesses).
Current rough draft of this party's website:
This website will later have pictures and videos and separate pages for each section.
A YouTube Video explaining this Political Party:

* Ascension Political Party:
The purpose of this political party is to ascend the quality of the staff, services, products, and business etiquette of the government (and the non-for-profit funded by the government) to at least as high in quality as the upper in class inside of capitalism.
Current rough draft of this party's website:
This website will later have pictures and videos and separate pages for each section.
A YouTube Video explaining this Political Party: