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Melissa Kay Kinder

A U.S.A., Presidential-Level & United Nations-Level, Advanced PSYCHology-Based Work Projects & PSYCHoautobiographical Blog!

Revolutionary's Blog!


About Me & My Blog:


Hi, I'm Melissa Kay Kinder, and this website is my U.S.A., presidential-level and United Nations-level, advanced PSYCHology-based work projects and PSYCHoautobiographical blog.


I am an individual-level to U.S.A. presidential-level and United Nations-level


- PSYCHologist (self taught)


and individual-level to U.S.A. presidential-level and United Nations-level advanced PSYCHology-based:


- politician

- social and political business entrepreneur

- revolutionary and reformist

- human rights advocate and activist



I have many U.S.A.  presidential-level and United Nations-level advanced PSYCHology-based work projects found on this website and elsewhere online, including:


- two political parties called 'Life Skills Divide Political Party' and 'Ascension Political Party'

- two imperial development businesses

- political businesses

- social (entrepreneurial) businesses

- educational books and documents

- stories about myself



Some of these projects I am currently working on and other projects I intend to work on in the future. I am currently trying to move forward with issues of god. See the menu at the top of this webpage to read about my projects.



I am also a current PSYCHological political asylee from the U.S.A. because of advanced PSYCHological human rights violations that I have endured. I was born in and am currently residing in the United States of America (U.S.A.).



As for my PSYCHological studies, I:


- have a university degree in PSYCHology, but I studied advanced PSYCHology independently for many, many years after getting my degree, developing a much higher, more advanced understanding of PSYCHology than what is taught in universities.

- lived in and traveled to multiple countries around the world, and this helped me to think independently, or outside, of not only my own country's but the rest of the world's perspectives


All of my projects listed on this blog come from or are based on my independent studies in PSYCHology.



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